Foshay Learning Center


3751 S.Harvard Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90016


 Analysis of a Global Media Giant and the Domination of Media over First Amendment Rights















Gonder Zone  Network

Each group will prepare a mini-portfolio of the corporation’s holdings and financial reports.

In their groups, students will analyze possible corporate business factors that could be adverse to fairness and ethical reporting of the news.

Individually students will write one-page analyses of the portfolios using the essential questions as guides.



Understanding Goals:


 Some of the Essential Questions you may want to focus on are:

    1. Does it matter who tells the news?
    2. In view of the Freedom of the Press, should media giants control the media? Do they help or hinder the reporting of the news? 
    3. How do these media giants objectively report the news? What positive purposes do they serve in the world of media? Should they be regulated?
    4. What information do news consumers need to know about the companies that own the media?
    5. Was this what the creators of the constitution had in mind when they ratified “Freedom of the Press”?
    6. Are the media businesses and/or should they be?
    7. What is the purpose of a business?
    8. Can big business objectively report the news and make a profit?
    9. Do media giants have specific political philosophies or are they totally objective?
    10. Does a media giant’s philosophy decide what stories are reported and how they are reported?



Why are we doing this?   We should know this:

·         The effects of corporate ownership and mass advertising on the nation's news

·         Definition of “media monopoly”

·         The relationship between high finance and media, media control and fairness, unbiased reporting



California State Standards We Will Address

2.0 Reading Comprehension (Focus on Informational Materials) 

      Structural Features of Informational Materials

      2.1 Analyze the structure and format of functional workplace documents,

      including the graphics and headers, and explain how authors use the

      features to achieve their purposes.

      2.2 Prepare a bibliography of reference materials for a report using a

      variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents. Comprehension

      Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text

      2.3 Generate relevant questions about readings on issues that can be


2.4 Synthesize the content from several sources or works by a single

      author dealing with a single issue; paraphrase the ideas and connect them

      to other sources and related topics to demonstrate comprehension.

2.8 Evaluate the credibility of an author's argument or defense of a claim

      by critiquing the relationship between generalizations and evidence, the

      comprehensiveness of evidence, and the way in which the author's intent

      affects the structure and tone of the text (e.g., in professional

      journals, editorials, political speeches, primary source material).



Organization and Focus

      1.1 Establish a controlling impression or coherent thesis that conveys a

      clear and distinctive perspective on the subject and maintain a consistent

      tone and focus throughout the piece of writing.

      1.2 Use precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate

      modifiers, and the active rather than the passive voice.


  Research and Technology

      1.3 Use clear research questions and suitable research methods (e.g.,

      library, electronic media, personal interview) to elicit and present

      evidence from primary and secondary sources.

      1.4 Develop the main ideas within the body of the composition through

      supporting evidence (e.g., scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses,



      1.5 Synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities

      and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found

      in each medium (e.g., almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field

      studies, speeches, journals, technical documents).




How to Use This Report Template

Change the information on the cover page to contain the information you would like.  For the body of your report, use Styles such as Heading 1-5, Body Text, Block Quotation, List Bullet, and List Number from the Style control on the Formatting toolbar. 

This report template is complete with Styles for a Table of Contents and an Index. From the Insert menu, choose Index and Tables. Click on the tab you would like. Be sure to choose the Custom Format.

XE indicates an index entry field. The index field collects index entries specified by XE. To insert an index entry field, select the text to be indexed, and choose Index and Tables from the Insert menu. Click on the Index tab to receive the Index dialog box.

You can quickly open the Mark Index Entry dialog box by pressing ALT+SHIFT+X. The dialog box stays open so that you can mark index entries. For more information, see Indexes in Help.

In addition to producing reports, this template can be used to create proposals and work­books. To change the text or graphics, the following suggestions are provided.

·         Select any paragraph and just start typing.

·         To save time in the future, you can save the front cover of this report with your company name and address. For step-by-step instructions on how to perserve your changes with the template, please read the following section.

How To Modify This Report

To create your own version of this template, choose File New and select this template.  Be sure to indicate "template" as the document type in the bottom right corner.

1.       Insert your company information in the name and your address in the frame in the upper right corner of the cover page.

2.       Choose File Save As. At the bottom of the menu, choose Document Template in the Save File as Type: box. Save the file under a new name to protect the original, or use the same name to replace the existing version.

To create a document, choose File New and choose the template you just created. Assuming you followed the steps above, your company information should appear in place.

How to Delete Graphics

To delete a graphic, click on each object (in Page Layout View) to select, and press Delete. To delete the Return Address frame, click on the text to reveal the bounding border of the frame. Click on the border, and press Delete.

To lighten or darken the gray shaded areas, click to select the frame, and choose Drawing Object from the Format menu. Experiment with the options to achieve the best shade for your printer. To change the shading of the earth, double-click on the graphic to activate the picture. Click in the gray area of the picture, and choose Drawing Object from the Format menu. Choose a new shade, and choose Close.

How to Create a Footnote

To create a footnote, choose Footnote from the Insert menu and click ok.

How to Force a Page Break

In general, the best way to force a page break is to first insert a blank paragraph, and choose Break from the Insert menu. In the dialog box, click the Page Break button, and then OK.

How to Modify a Table

To modify an existing table, such as the table below, position your cursor in any cell. To modify the table, access the Table menu to select the desired action and/or result.


Current Share

Share in 3 Yrs.

Largest competitor



Second largest competitor



Third largest competitor



Table. Projected Growth of Competitors.

How To Edit Table Text

Table text can be edited and formatted like regular text. Simply select text and type to replace, or apply different formats as needed using the various formatting menus.

You can search for additional help on the Help menu.








Introduction:   Controlling Statement Thesis 

(For Example: The GonderZone Network is an honest and trustworthy source of news and information.)



I.              ABOUT GZN:  Straight From GZN (The first sub-topic)

A.            Their Philosophy (First supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

B.            Their Financial Holdings (Second supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

II.            ABOUT GZN: From the Media Watch Dogs (The second sub-topic)

A.            Their Philosophy (First supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

B.            Their Financial Holdings (Second supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

III.           Truth or Consequences?  (The third sub-topic)

A.            Compare  (First supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

B.            Contrast (Second supporting information for the sub-topic)

1.             Detail of the information

2.             Detail of the information

Conclusion:     Whom Do We Believe?  Why?

Works Cited

First reference. The text begins at the left margin of the paper. Lines are double-spaced. When the entry is longer than one line, the second line is automatically indented five spaces.

Additional references


Resources. Research using Internet




1.                 The outline

q      The introduction states the main topic or idea of the outline, and the conclusion summarizes it.

q      Each sub-topic describes the main idea for a paragraph.

q      Supporting information and details for a sub-topic are listed under the sub-topic with each piece of information listed separately.

q      When supporting information is listed under a sub-topic, there are at least two pieces of information listed. If there is only one piece of information to support a sub-topic, the information is included in the sub-topic.

2.      The report

q      The report follows the organization of the outline.

q      Each paragraph in the report matches a sub-topic in the outline, and presents the information and details listed under the sub-topic.

q      Each paragraph includes a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

q      Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

q      Every sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark.

q      All words are spelled correctly.

q      There are no missing words.

3.      Works cited

q      Every source has a specific reference in the report. Include only the sources that are mentioned in the report.

q      Each entry follows the correct format for the type of reference.

q      Entries are listed in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name.